Sunday, April 01, 2007

Okay so I'm still not up to par so far as blogging goes. Indeed I am having a difficult time deciding what kind of blog I want this to be. On the one hand I enjoy politics and think about them all day long yet I have a hard time expressing them here for two reasons. One I work all day. No I mean real work (no disrespect to you cubicle jockeys) but construction is a little different than typing at a key board all day. So at the end of the work day I'm tired and am not very motivated to hunt down sources of stories that moved me to comment after reading all the news and blogs (which I do regardless of how tired I am). The other reason being that since I have no idea if anyone looks at this blog (let alone finds it enjoyable) what's the difference between blogging and holding an internal monologue in my head?

Although yesterday I had an initiation of sorts and passed from boyhood into manhood at the tender age of twenty five. Yes ladies and gentlemen, on Saturday March 31, 2007 I went canvassing for a political candidate. That's right City Council District 3 hopeful Paul Lopez (you'll have to scroll down) was the lucky recipient to receive my political virginity so to speak. The irony of course being I didn't know him from Adam and didn't really care for him personally. Well I can't say I don't like him I just don't know him and don't care to (hence the title of my blog).

I would also like to note without being too vain (if such a thing is possible) that I fucking rock at canvassing! I mean without knowing shit about this fucking yahoo I got a libretarian to say he'd vote for an SEUI staffer, Ceasar Chavez loving SOB who can't even get his campaign literature straight! Now I still loathe politicians now more than ever but it was a decent way to fuck off a Saturday since Ildi (my fiance) was at a bridal shower. Okay speaking of fiances I have to go pay some attention to mine.

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