Sunday, May 13, 2007

Getting Goosed by the Hand of History

After receiving a boost of support from Malcolm (Malcolm Discovers Relative Values) I think I'm going to try to keep up with things a little better.

Being an American I'm at a disadvantage in a number of ways from other bloggers who have direct experience/interface in Isle politics. Though I also think that at times this distance is a blessing as I'm at a safe distance so to speak to look at what's happening and don't have any particular loyalties (Though I admit I have sympathies). One of my big things that may impede active blogging is my belief that one should listen more than talk so to speak. Not every opinion is right and not every thought on a subject is relevant. We all need to think twice before hitting the "publish" and say to ourselves, "will this actually contribute something constructive or am I just pissing in the wind?". I mean Pete Baker, god love him can be great but his triple, qaudruple lock, smoke and mirrors redux tells me alot more about him than the provos. Maybe they blew up his relative, knee capped a buddy or maybe Gerry et. al stole his lunch money when he was in primary school, who knows? Chris Gaskin and El Matador are two sides of the same coin in regards to scoring points for their parties instead building constructive dialogue. That is assuming constructive dialogue is what your after, there's obviously no rules that say political blogs have to be constructive but it certainly helps your cause and that of your party if you come across as something more than an petty person with an axe to grind. I like the fact that JCSkinner at least is honest on why he blogs and has a decent sense of humor.

Okay enough of the shit talking, about blogs at least on for right now and onto the main attraction. As for the labels, rearrange the words out of aplhabetical order to make sense. Hint: the word "you" is used twice.

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