Monday, October 29, 2007

Meet The New Boss Redux

In my last real post I noted that as long the mud slinging was restricted to politicians themselves or at least to "respectable" pundits then things will remain on a somewhat even keel. It appears that things are heating up in that arena as a new video has shot to number one on Youtube for the past two weeks. Interesting point from the article,
Paul's anti-Clinton effort is getting help from two technical producers who set up the Web site for Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the 2004 campaign that went after Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry by raising questions about his decorated military service in Vietnam.
Now I have little time for Hillary but she she deserves to be damned on her own merits, not slanderous accusations. I remember her spat with Obama in which she came out the "victor" because Obama was supposed to be playing up the "audacity of hope" while Clinton and her groupies were veterans of numerous capital hill brawls. This is where it comes back around. The problem with being ruthless in ones pursuit of power, is that you will indeed crush anyone who gets in the way and that they tend to remember things like that. I don't think that this kind of thing will be able to stop her from getting elected but should be interesting never the less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's dismal news. I hate to see those guys legitimised after what they did in 2004.