Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Marha Jo

Awhile ago now WBS in his infinite wisdom enlightened me to what I had to look forward to as a parent. Not only did I hang my head and weep at such a dim prospect, but I also swore that I would never submit to such tyranny. How do they say it? "I am the Captain of my soul". Right, well I may be the Captain, but the first mate and cabin boy launched a mutiny and I found myself with no choice but to submit to their demands.

That is not to there was total capitulation. I am still not convinced by my wife's statements that our son only likes kid music as he claps along to Merle Haggard and Beast of Burden by the Stones sets him off dancing like there was no tomorrow. So I have been able to keep most of the Disney tunes out. Though I've let the Hungarian kid songs through as this is a good way for the kid to hear Hungarian. And to be truthful I like some of the songs. Because after having my wife translate some of them I realized rather quickly that are very few children's songs in English which include the lines, "I'll give you something to cry about". Totally innappropriate, but satisfying none the less.

My favorite song is by far the most inappropriate. It is entitled Mehemed Tehenek or roughly translated (that is all I can do at this point) Mehemed and the cows. In a nut shell, Mehemed is a Turk. He's never seen a cow and doesn't know what they are. So he introduces himself to a herd of cows. He then proceeds to count all of the different kind of cows, black, white and multi-colored. The being a stupid Turk he pulls on their tails and gets kicked in the head and sent flying. One hundred percent stereo-typical and demeaning, but still spetacular.

And here it is acted out.


WorldbyStorm said...

Hmmm... not infinite :)

Patience though, had to find a lot of that.

Amazing isn't it how autonomy vanishes in no small part when the monsters arrive?

A consolation is that said monster, now 2 years and almost 3 months, is a big fan of AC/DC's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. And plays air guitar!

Those Hungarian songs seem...er... interesting.

yourcousin said...

Why can't we have a "This weekend..." on AC/DC? The autonomy and lazy Saturdays are very much missed, but the trade off is worth it.

I really enjoy the Hungarian songs as they speak to an alternate system of children's culture that are not consumer based. Plus there's another song about Toddlers going on strike, which is solid.

It wasn't until I had a kid that I realized just how much of what I took for granted as genuine culture was just some prepackaged crap from China that talks about a fucking mouse in Florida/California.

WorldbyStorm said...

It is worth it, once they start talking particularly so. How old is your offspring now?

Believe it or not AC/DC may be in the works. I truly love Powerage...

I see what you mean about the Hungarian songs. I like Sesame Street (in its original incarnation) for something similar.

Which I guess is only a few steps up from the fucking Mouse.


yourcousin said...

The kid is now 17 months. He's a hoot but a pain in the ass. He already broke his foot and unfortunately has lung issues. I spent fathers day in the ICU of the Children's Hospital here in Denver. Hopefully stuff will improve with his health.

If you do AC/DC, just take it easy. No need to go deep or esoteric. I can't believe you turned the Beach Boys into a specialty item so to speak.

It's funny you mention Sesame Street as I've got old DVDs from them and the Muppet's Show. Both of which fucking rock. Pure enjoyment for both my kid and I.